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New Believers




18 Lessons

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About The New Believers Course

My name is Tony LaPrino and I'm the head coach at OnAscent.  Living life On Ascent is not easy and is chosen by very few.  At OnAscent we focus on building a life that matters and accessing power across all four of life's domains; Faith, Family, Fitness, and Finance.  Along my own personal journey it became clear to me that we are all spiritual beings.  I became curious, and on December 19, 2021 I gave my life to Jesus Christ.  I was a new believer.  If you're at all like me and you're curious about God, the Bible, and where to start.  This course is for you.  

Module Content

Is There More To Life Than This?

Subscribers only

Who Is Jesus?

Subscribers only

Many people today are puzzled about Jesus. Why is there so much interest in a person born 2,000 years ago? Why should anyone bother to find out? In this five-day reading plan adapted from his book, Why Jesus?, Nicky Gumbel answers questions about Jesus’ identity, why He came to die, and why we need Him so desperately.

Why Did Jesus Die?

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How Can I Have Faith?

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Why and How Should I Pray?

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Why and How Should I Read The Bible?

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How Does God Guide Us?

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Introduction To The Weekend

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Who Is The Holy Spirit?

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What Does The Holy Spirit Do?

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How Can I Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

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How Can I Make The Most Of The Rest Of My Life

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How do I Resist Evil?

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Why and How Should I Tell Others?

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Does God Heal Today?

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What About The Church?

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