Hey, I’m Tony...
Founder of
The I AM Project
The I AM Project - Shining a light and raising awareness on men's mental health and suicide. Get your I AM Project Power Bracelet today and become part of this powerful movement.
The "I AM" Project is all about...
Raising Awareness
As men we all go through difficult times in our lives. And no man's experiences and pain is to be compared. With these dark times comes thoughts and actions that can't be overlooked. Not any more.
Shining A Light
I understand there are a lot of men in this world that are hurting. We want to reach each one of them and let them know they are not alone. The I AM Project is built to raise awareness on male suicide and to bring hope to those who are feeling discouraged.
Raising Money
We've partnered with The Maine Veteran's Project to help bring the services needed to reach these men. We will be contributing a portion of the proceeds to mental health and suicide among men. By participating you are playing a crucial role in helping us reach these individuals.
Providing Powerful Support
We are dedicated to finding and supporting men who are struggling and providing them with a sense of hope, meaning, and guidance. Every man's life is important, including yours.
Accessible Services Tailored to the Unique Needs of Men
There is an urgent need to address the escalating rates of male suicide which represent a significant public health crisis worldwide. In 2021, on average, there were 132 suicides per day. Despite increasing awareness about mental health, men continue to disproportionately account for a majority of suicide deaths globally. Men died by suicide 3.90x more than women. The complex interplay of societal expectations, stigma surrounding mental health issues, limited access to appropriate support systems, and traditional masculine norms that discourage help-seeking behaviors contribute to this alarming trend. Consequently, there is an imperative to develop targeted interventions and initiatives that foster open dialogue, challenge stereotypes, enhance mental health literacy, and provide accessible and culturally sensitive support services tailored to the unique needs of men. Addressing this need is crucial not only for preventing tragic loss of life but also for promoting overall well-being and resilience within communities.
My Personal Story
My Name is Tony LaPrino - Owner of OnAscent and the creator of Emergence, an experience for men to become the leaders of their own life, and the I AM Project.
We all go through difficult times in our lives. And no one’s experiences and pain is to be compared. With these dark times comes thoughts and actions that are not to be overlooked. Not any more.
The first time I ever thought about taking my own life was when I was in high school. My parents had divorced and I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I didn’t talk about it to anyone. The visions were clear and the thoughts were rational. It was a scary place. I wanted the pain of abandonment, insignificance, and loneliness to go away. I didn’t think I had any other way out. It was a real and raw conversation that I had with my baseball coach in the locker room on a Saturday morning with no one else around that began my way out of that phase in my life.
That didn’t mean I was free from pain, hurt, and negative thoughts such as suicide. They reared again in full force in 2023. My wife at the time of 17 years and a relationship of 24 years was ending. We separated and then went through the process of divorce. This was the darkest time of my life.
In these dark times hope is lost.
When facing my darkest thoughts, I turned to the affirmations of "I AM" to remind myself of my worth, leaned on the support of other men, and sought comfort in my relationship with God. There is an urgent need to address the escalating rates of male suicide which represent a significant public health crisis worldwide. In a recent poll of over one hundred men over 80% of them have experienced loneliness and isolation.
Addressing this need is crucial not only for preventing tragic loss of life but also for promoting overall well-being and resilience within communities.
I AM Tony, and I’m on a mission to rescue 1 million men from leaving their wives as widows and kids as orphans .
Keep OnAscent

How the I AM Project Works
Step 1: Wear the bracelet daily.
Step 2: Stand in front of the mirror with your arms wide open.
Step 3: Say out loud these five "I AM" Statements
Step 4: Repeat step 3
Step 5; Add one new "I AM" statement of your own each week.